East Bay Central

The East Bay Central (EBC) Area Service Committee generally covers meetings in Oakland and Alameda, California.

The EBC Area Service Committee meets the third Saturday of each month at 10:00AM on Zoom (see link below) 

The August Meeting will be on the Last Saturday , August 27th, so that folks can attend BACNA

For New GSRs please let the Chair know by chat if you need help

To help protect the meeting from Zoom Bombing, please don't post the meeting's link or password on

any Social Media Platform.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 925 5661 1155

Password: EBC1ASC

The call-in number is:   1-669-900-6833 

Area Donations

The 7th tradition donation to Area supports the zoom platform and the website that are essential in making NA all meetings possible.

It also supports H&I, activities and the Phone line to make recovery accessible to newcomers and addicts looking for help.  

*For any questions contact the East Bay Central ASC Treasurer

If you need help using online payments, please contact support@naalamedacounty.org

Outreach Committee

To get involved or for any questions, you may contact the Outreach Chair, John N. via text-only at (510) 776-7561 or email neilsjohn@gmail.com 


For more information regarding the purchase of literature, regular keytags, chips or medallions,  please text: Christine M. @ 510-459-5648

Find free IPs (Information Pamphlets) to read online here: https://www.na.org/?ID=ips-eng-index 

Purchase books, IPs, medallions, and gifts directly from the Northern California Region of Narcotics Anonymous website here: https://norcalna.org/literature/cart.php   


East Bay Central Area Merchandising Subcommittee Meeting

6:00 – 7:00pm

Monthly on the third Friday on Zoom
