Mission Peak

The Mission Peak Area Service Committee of Narcotics Anonymous generally covers meetings in Dublin, Castro Valley, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Newark, Pleasanton, San Leandro and San Lorenzo, California.

The Mission Peak Area Service Committee meets first Sunday* of each month at 2:00PM 
2024 Meeting Dates
Jan 7th

Feb 4th

Mar 3rd

April 7th

May 5th

June 2nd

July 7th

Aug 4th

Sept 8th

Oct 6th

Nov 3rd

Dec 1s

Mission Peak ASC meetings are currently Hybrid (in-person and Zoom options) 

See in-person meeting location below

To help protect the meeting from Zoom Bombing, please don't post the meeting's link or password on

any Social Media Platform.


Meeting ID: 984 6488 0965

Password: MP1ASC 

Phone in: 1-669-900-6833 

(New GSR orientation starts at 1:00PM at the in-person meeting location) 

Cornerstone Church at 348 N Canyons Pkwy, Livermore, CA 94551, upstairs in U1 room

Wheelchair accessible

Area Donations

*If you have any questions you can contact the Mission Peak ASC Treasurer at mpasc.treas@gmail.com

Mission Peak Women's Camp Out Planning Subcommittee Meets 3rd Sunday of the month. Meeting is Hybrid 

Cornerstone Church at 348 N Canyons Pkwy, Livermore, CA 94551, upstairs in U1 room Wheelchair accessible

Zoom Meeting ID:  867 1661 7722
PW: mpwc24


All Meetings will be in-person and on Zoom if internet allows.

Location may be subject to change. All members will be notified via text at least 1 week prior to the meeting if the location changes.

Meetings are scheduled on Sundays at 10:00AM

January 21

February 18

March 17

April 21

May 19

June 16

July 14

July 21

August 4

August 11

Camp Out August 14-18

The Mission Peak Outreach Committee meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00PM at:

**(Physical Meeting Space Temporarily Closed)** 

Bayfair Mall, 15555 East 14th St. San Leandro  CA 94578

Meets downstairs in the food court (1st floor)